Can ANIMATE power a large screen TV/media wall?
OE has a shortlist of various size DC-powered TVs and monitors that are compatible with our QIKPAC batteries. Using these appliances is recommended for most efficient battery usage with your furniture and most cost-effective use of the ANIMATE system.
If you have a traditional AC-powered appliance, such as large TV, it is possible to power these with QIKPAC batteries through the use of an inverter. This inverts power from DC back to AC (120V/230V).
However, this is an inefficient method as the inverter adds cost and together with the TV’s internal PSU loses up to 30% of the energy in the transfer.
Therefore 30% more battery power is needed to power AC appliances. More batteries = more cost. Example:
AC powered 50” TV requires 147W and customer wants to run TV for 8 hours per day:
147W x 8hr = 1,176Wh which with conversion losses of 30% = 1,530Wh
1,530Wh divided by QIKPAC 200Wh = Almost 8 QIKPAC batteries!
DC powered 50” TV requires 45W and customer wants to run TV for 8 hours per day
45W x 8hr = 360Wh with no inverter loss.
360Wh divided by QIKPAC 200Wh = 2 batteries covers it! There are a couple of things to consider if/when designing a battery-powered media center.
There are a couple of things to consider if/when designing a battery powered media center:
• Do you need it to run off battery power for the full day (e.g. 8 hours)?In most cases such as an office or school, the TV will be used during meetings/lessons and then can be put back on charge when not in use. This will reduce the number of batteries needed.
• We recommend the TV and batteries be turned off when not in use to conserve power.
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